Joey Feith

Project #PEPitch

When Google+ popped up a month ago, one of the features that caught my eye was G+ Hangouts. The idea of easily setting up a video conference between 10 people seemed almost too good to be true. Alas, G+ Hangouts is a reality and, after having put some thought into it, here's an idea I had on how PE teachers can be using it for networking:

Project #PEPitch

The idea behind #PEPitch is to create a structured conversation in which 10 teachers each get a one minute turn to share an idea they have for a PE program (think of it as an elevator pitch). Each "pitch" is followed by a 5 minute discussion period in which the teachers can try to develop the idea further. Once the discussion period is done, the group moves onto the next idea. If time constraints are respected, each #PEPitch session should last approximately 60 minutes. However, the conversation can be continued on either Google+ (through comments), on Twitter (using the #PEPitch hashtag) or pretty much anywhere you feel like continuing the discussion.

So there's my quick pitch on how I'd like to use Google+ Hangouts. Its not fully formed quite yet, but I feel as though its something that will improve though practice (which is another way of saying I'd like to have a #PEPitch soon). I have some more ideas for it (e.g. Having a moderator/secretary for each session, video capture that can be reposted later, themes, etc.), but first I'd like to hear what you all think. Feel free to leave any ideas/suggestions in the comments below.

Thanks for reading!
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